Clasic-Greek-Roman 25x25cm price=70,00euro 30x30cm price=75,00 euro 35x35cm price=85,00euro 45x45cm
price=180,00 euro

Clasic-dolphin 40x40cm price=110,00euro

Clasic 40x40 price=110,00 euro

Clasic-sphinx 40x40cm price=110,00 euro

Archaic 45x45cm price=180,00 euro

Mynoean 45x45cm price=180,00 euro

Mycenean 50x50cm price=240,00 euro

Clasic-boat 55x55cm price=320,00 euro

Clasic-Kouros 55x55cm price=350,00 euro

A PIECE FOR COLLECTORS Clasic 90x90cm price=1200 euro This chess set is one of the twenty pieces
of this model-series created specifically for chess fans.On each board there is a guarateed serial number.After the twenty
pieces are sold the men will be replaced by others.
